Saturday 23 March 2013

How wong I was...

I've decided it's my turn to write a post. However mine is to be more general and observant of the culture, in so many words. Though this is the problem, we are having trouble understanding the words. I thought, having done music, I had a fairly good ear and was able to adjust to different sounds and accents fairly easily. How Wong I was. However I am certainly not the worst in the group.
Exhibit A: We're walking through main town Hong Kong searching for the Vietnamese Embassy when a friendly Chinese man approaches us and asks if we need directions (apparently brunette, ginger and blonde locks aren't so subtle). We politely accepted his offer and he kindly pointed us in the right direction. He was also heading this way so we had a friendly conversation. He asked if we were 'visiting' Hong Kong. However 'visiting' definitely did not sound right. In our heads the word he said started with a b. I went first and said ohhhh he must be saying British so we left it at that. Then he decided to spell it for us B-R-I-S-I-B. Helpful. In steps Tash. 'Ohhhhh Bridget! Bridget Jones! Yes, yes we are from England, where Bridget Jones is from!'. I don't think I've ever seen a more blank expression on a man. Emma then decides to helpfully pipe up and confirm that he was in fact saying visit. Perhaps he had lived in Spain at some point in his life and thought that Vs were pronounced as Bs in all countries. Someone should tell him he's wrong as it causes much confusion. This was the first misunderstanding between us and the locals and I have a feeling it won't be the last.

Hannah, Emma and Tash XXX

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