Saturday 23 March 2013

The Peak HK

So The Peak is basically as it says on the tin, an area where you can look over the whole of Hong Kong. We were told the night time is the best time to do this as all the buildings become alight and the view is amazing! To get to the top we took the Peak Tram, a system that's been running since 1888! This was an experience in itself as the incline was so steep it almost didn't make it (espesh with us three on board!) Once we got to the top we had a look around the shops and restaurants. Emma and Hannah both buzzing about the fact that we found a Bubba Gump Shrimp (- I have never seen Forest Gump so had no idea about how cray this was). It was decided we most definitely HAD to eat there, [if not for the free flashing glass with your drink ey Em]! After seeing the sights and having our pictures taken (all of which were rubbish but we were told otherwise by the man in the shop so naturally had to purchase one) we ate our shrimp and headed back down on the tram, along with some very drunk British men who made the journey entirely amusing!

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