Tuesday 26 March 2013

The day I became Buddhist

The day started like any other day, the alarm failed to go off so once again we woke up late, some later than others (Hannah). But eventually we were all showered and ready for the day. We decided that we would go visit the big Buddha so once again we went to the very familiar metro line and got on our way. Once we got there we hopped on the cable car taking us up the mountain to a small village on top, we were sharing out cable car with some locals who like many other decided to take our picture without asking very obviously but about half an hour later we arrived and behold in front of us waiting in the distance there he was... BUDDHA in all his glory, I was immediately taken in as we're Hannah and Tash but not to the same level as me, Buddha and I had become one. We wandered through the village with Hannah and Tash under very strict instructions not to stop and look at anything until after we had seen Buddha and before we knew it we were at the bottom of the 266 steps up to my new found love. We were up the steps quick as a flash without even breaking a sweat, so eager to get as close as possible. It was a visit none of us will ever forget. On the way back down we visited the po Lin monastery which was decorated immaculately and was full of incense as we left we all commented on how calm and spiritual we all felt and at one with the world, I personally felt this was Buddhas influence, Tash however commented that she thought it might have something to do with the huge amount of incense we had inhaled. All in all though we all greatly enjoyed our trip to buddha not only was seeing him spectacular but the view overlooking the whole of hk island wasn't bad either :) as we walked back to the cable car we decided to indulge on some snacks Tash getting candy floss twice the side of her head and us all sharing a traditional waffle. The beautiful views on the journey down all added to the already perfect day.

Love from us three newly converted Buddhists

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