Wednesday 17 April 2013

Just a little snippet

Writing this blog whilst sat on the side of the road, we're not quite sure where we are or when we'll be picked up but we thought we'd share just a little bit of what it's like being a traveller!

We were driven to our bus at 7:00pm last night and left Sihanoukville at 8:00pm we basically had beds on the bus so we did a little bit of sleeping but not a huge amount. We'd been told by the man that arranged the transport that we wouldn't have to change buses until we arrived at the border into Thailand and this wouldn't be until 8:00am. Wellll it's currently 6:30am and we were dropped off to 'change buses' over an hour ago. We're not entirely sure where we are, we think we might be in Siem Reap but we're just hoping our new bus comes pretty pronto as the pavement is not as comfy as you might think!

We'll let you know how we get on! (If you don't hear from us you might want to alert some sort of embassy?! Is that what you do when someone goes missing in a foreign country?!)

Wish us luck!


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