Wednesday 17 April 2013


Sorry for the lack of contact peeps! We've been living in luxury for the last few days you see, so blogging has somewhat slipped our minds!

Arriving here on Saturday after a 4 hour bus ride we weren't exactly thrilled as it chucked it down on our tuk tuk ride. So much so, that our driver had to bring the covers down to protect us from the storm that was brewing outside! Arriving at Indigo On Otres (our home for the next few days) however, made us calm a little. Directly on the beach our accomdation seemed perfect, providing the weather perked up! We sat in the bar/restaurant and overlooked the increasingly angry sea. We ate and the power went, using a candle lit lamp to find our beach hut we got into bed and prayed for better weather!

Our wish was granted and we awoke to paradise. Just take a look at the pictures if you don't believe me! It was lovely, we literally just sunbathed and ate! That has been life for us here! Very difficult as you can imagine!

On our first night we went to a beach party to celebrate Khmer new year. Equipped with some of the most bizarre music I've ever heard we felt somewhat out of place. It was very... Hippy shall we say?! But we soon found two English girls who were on the same playing field as us. We got on really well and when they told us of their awful accommodation we suggested they check out our place. The next morning they pitched up, bags in toe and we all had breakfast together! Bizarrely enough we still, to this day, don't know their full names! That's just a travellers way though I guess! We do, however, know the name of one Bob Metcalfe. A man the tide washed up... Literally...

It was Hannah's birthday and we were both having a dip in the sea when we heard the cries of a man shouting to his friends, 'I can't help it guys! The tides taking me to them!' Oh God.. 'Hi, I'm Bob.. That's my real name!' He said. Well why wouldn't it be?! Anyway, Bob decided to hang with us for the afternoon until his friend came and rescued us from his drunken repetition! Embarrassing as it was for him we thoroughly enjoyed laughing at his oddness.

Whilst we're on the subject, yes it was Hannah's birthday yesterday. Spent on the beach I think she had an okay day. Being in the middle of no where I struggled to find any form of birthday decoration. But my mum had thankfully given me some glow sticks before I left so armed with them and a hand made banner constructed from torn out pages of my journal I set to work decorating our hut before she woke. She had a birthday manicure on the beach and we drank sangria all day, it was pretty sweet!

All in all I'd say our time here has been okay.. JOKES! We've loved it! Even the showering with lizards, rats running through our hut at 7:30 every night, flushing the loo manually and frequent power cuts it's made it all very fun and just added to the character of this place!

Off to Thailand today, bizarre to think we've already done Hong Kong, Vietnam and now Cambodia! Only got Thailand and India left now! Where is the time going??

Missing you all

Two girls in the heart of paradise!


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