Wednesday 17 April 2013

Phnom Penh

Phomn Penh

We spent a few days in Phomn Penh soaking up the Cambodian culture.
We stayed in 88backpackers. Would recommend it to anyone looking for somewhere to stay in the capital, though their Wifi was not good hence the lack of blogs recently! But the pool made up for it!

We went to the central market and had a gander but I have to say they had nothing on the markets in Siem Reap. They lacked character and so I managed to hold back. We did however have a traditional Cambodian lunch of rice and 'pig' nearby.

We had a ride all round town in a tuk tuk and got to see Wat Phnom, which is a beautiful Buddhist temple. I hasten to add this was entirely by accident and the driver got completely lost and it took us 40 minutes to get back to the hostel, not 10. The scenic route was taken.

One of the main tourist attractions is the Killing Fields, we had been told it was certainly an experience but not necessarily a positive one. Stories of people leaving in tears didn't exactly tempt us...

We liked Phomn Penh but it didn't overwhelm us as a capital. There is a large international community there and we meet two guys who were there on a third visit, perhaps we weren't there long enough to appreciate it. We were glad we went nonetheless as it was still incredibly Cambodian and different from any other city we have been to, that's the beauty of travelling.

Han & Tash XXX

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